Library Databases

Library Databases

Top Picks for Students:
CINAHL Ultimate
Major resource for nursing and allied health research, full text for prominent journals in the CINAHL index
MEDLINE Ultimate
Authoritative medical database, extensive coverage of all medical fields 
Major resource for psychology and related disciplines
Freely-accessible database of the National Library of Medicine
Ovid Full Text Journals
Select nursing and physical therapy journals

Medicine, Health and Psychology Databases A to Z:
Essential resource for physical therapy students
Social gerontology and aging-related content
APS Journal Legacy Archive 
American Physiological Society Journals
BioMed Central
Open access content in the life sciences
CINAHL Ultimate
New definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, full text for more prominent journals in the CINAHL index
Cochrane Collection Plus
Register, directory, and index of systematic reviews
Workflow tool for systematic reviews. PT grad students only.  Contact for access.
DSM-5 Library
DSM-5 Manual of Mental Disorders and related resources
Health Reference Center Academic
Articles related to healthcare
Health Source - Nursing/Academic Edition
Nursing and healthcare articles
MEDLINE Ultimate
Authoritative medical database, extensive coverage of all medical fields. 
Mental Measurements Yearbook
Database of test and measurement reviews
OT Seeker 
Free-to-search occupational therapy database
Ovid Full Text Journals
Select nursing and physical therapy journals
Free-to-search physical therapy evidence database
ProQuest Healthcare Administration
Hospital, clinic, and practice management articles
ProQuest Psychology Journals
Articles from leading psychology and related publications
Major resource for psychology and all related disciplines
Freely-accessible database of the National Library of Medicine.  
Articles from Elsevier journals, many open access. (N.B: As of 2021, the library no longer subscribes to the Science Direct Freedom/Pi2 Collection).
SPORTDiscus with Full Text
Sports medicine 
Clinical decision making resource. Graduate nursing students ONLY. For access, see the appropriate University course shells

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Frank E. Gannett Library

Frank E. Gannett Library

1600 Burrstone Road
Utica, NY 13502-4892
(315) 792-3041
(315) 792-3361 (fax)

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